JOIN US for a one-week camp for rising 7th grade middle school students in the rural Arkansas Delta.
Architecture is a multidisciplinary discipline and forms a visual, spatial link between the past, present, and future.
Alex Foundation’s Architecture and Design national award-winning summer camp, recognized by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), is a five-day/ two-week commuter summer camp for rising 7th grade students’ offering an immersive and place-based learning experience at historic sites. Historic places enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other subjects.
Students will learn about architecture including what architects do, architecture as the art and science of the built environment, and how an architectural drawing becomes a building/structure, the different parts that make up a building, and how architecture is an important part of history and culture.
Subject Areas: Architecture, Social Sciences, Science
All forms and documents related to the application process must be submitted by April 5, 2024. The following forms and documents must be submitted by the deadline for the student to be considered by the Student Selection Committee.
For each student applying:
Student application (to be completed and submitted online by the student)
Teacher or Counselor Recommendation (to be completed and submitted online by a teacher or counselor)
Camp Week Will Include:
Through architecture study tours, students will be introduced to the structures to gain a sense of place.
Students will design models of structures and historic buildings; sketch and draw; paint on canvas boards; create small scale replica designs of past and present communities to gain a sense of place; and write about their experiences and the people and culture who were a part of these places.
They will learn how to read the structures architectural drawings and sketch the structures.
Students will transform their ideas into a 3D architectural house model.
Students use the drone to simulate looking for potential avalanche locations on a building. Students would fly drones to experience learning in real time.​
March 1, 2024 - Online Application Process Opens
April 5, 2024 - Applications and Forms Due
April 26, 2024 - Selection Results Emailed to Schools and Students
May 10, 2024 - Accepted Students Registration Materials Due (Parent-Student Assurances Form and Medical Insurance Card)
July 15-19, 2024 - Opening Day of Design Camp Session 1
July 22-26, 2024 - Opening Day of Design Camp Session 2
June 15, 2024 - Parent Day/Design Camp Closing
Angela Courtney angela@alex-foundation.org