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The apostle Paul says God loves a cheerful giver. Alex Foundation is blessed to have generous cheerful givers who make our summer camps and year-round programming possible at no cost to students, teachers, families, schools or school districts. This year’s cheerful givers, who give their time, money and resources include:
Sponsors, Partners and Supporters

CABE Foundation
Frank Hickingbotham Charitable Trust Foundation
Mrs. Lisenne Rockefeller
Mr. Ray and Mrs. Phyllis Simon
City of Lake Village
Mrs. Helen Herron
Monticello Walmart
UA Monticello Taylor House and Hollywood Plantation
Ms. Melinda French
Cromwell Architects Engineers
J Wallace Trust
Watson Community Development Corporation
Faye Parker
Janis F. Kearney
Mitch Grant
Turner Snax


For Sponsorship Opportunities
Alex Foundation 10th Year Anniversary
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